Secretary’s Updates

Welcome to the Secretary’s Updates

February 2025

Range Opening


As we move through our second month of having the Range available every day, we are starting to see Members using the Range more, at different times, and taking advantage of being able to book a firing point, or simply turn up and shoot. We have had some excellent feedback and the change seems to be very well received.

Just a reminder, turning up is fine, just be aware as the Range gets busier, you may have to wait for a free Firing Point.

You can look on the Club Calendar of Events on the Website, or use Range Mate, to find out what is happening on the Range. We are having to close for a few days for maintenance, but these days are clearly marked on both calendar and Range Mate.

In addition to standard opening days, Range Mate also lists additional events that are being held, such as Turning Targets, Practical Rifle or Shotgun or similar days.

We also have dedicated Probationer Days on Sundays where new Members can come along and work with our Mentor Team to develop their skills. These are also clearly marked on Range Mate.

We are delighted to see the Range being used much more, and as the weather improves we look forward to seeing this increase as Members get used to being able to shoot at times that suit them, and we will extend our opening hours to take advantage of the longer days.

Exciting times ahead – if you have any suggestions for improvements or changes please do email the Secretary.

February 2025

The Shed


It has come to my attention that some members still not have visited The Shed to see the improvments that we have made.

The Shed has been refurbished, and is now an excellent place to sit and relax, unwind or chat with fellow members between shooting details.

We have free Tea, Coffee and Hot Chocolate available. There us usually a fresh pot of coffee on the machine and fresh milk in the Fridge.

We also have a new Microwave that you can use if you want to bring along a lunch or snack to have whilst at the Range.

Please make the use of this excellent facility, all we ask is that you respect the area and tidy up after yourself.

And enjoy the coffee, of course : )

February 2025

Range Update


Members will have noticed that we have started working on the current B Range as part of the overall Range Improvements. We are taking back the sandstone wall to ensure that we have a full 6 Firing Points available, which will then become the 100 Yard Range.

Phase 2 will be building a Sleeper Wall on the current A Range at the 25m point. This wall will stretch across approximately 21 Firing Points, with a small sleeper wal in front and a side wall to help contain a new Sand backstop for 25m and 20y shooting.

Phase 3 will involve building a similar wall at 50m to cover the remaining 12 Firing Points, again with a small front wall and side wall.

Onces these new backstops are full of sand we will have dedicated 100 yard, 50m and 25m / 20 Yard Ranges that comply with current doctrine that targets should be as near to the sand berm as possible.

This is an exciting time for our Club, and these improvements will ensure we can provide a first rate shooting facility moving forwards.